Men are facing a health crisis that isn’t being talked about. They’re dying too young – before their time. A problem this size calls for big minds, and big solutions. But there’s a smaller, hairier solution to the men’s health crisis. A solution you can Grow yourself. A solution that’s sitting right under your nose. Grow a Mo this Movember to raise funds and awareness for men’s health. Stop men dying too young.
Choose the moustache that will grace your face. Trucker, regent, connoisseur or wisp? Check out the options at - BE BRAVE
The first few days, even weeks, can be uncomfortable as your Mo takes shape. Ride it out to encourage donations. - IGNORE THE ITCHING
Remind yourself that men have endured worse in the past. You can stand a little face tickle. - SHAPE YOUR MOUSTACHE
Get across all the proper grooming techniques. A great Mo comes down to great grooming. - NURTURE IT AND KEEP IT CLEAN
Look after your Mo, and your Mo will look after you.